Sunday, March 5, 2017

ROS Autonomous Navigation Bot - [Clerkbot] - Initial Tests

Finally it took me three months to fully come up with this robot and just a fun fact, it took me a month to just tune the ocean of parameters.  Here I say two months to build  the robot, although a good 3 months to 'learn' the ROS framework which includes a Gazebo simulation of a UAV and UGV.  Now that it is over,  we are all geared up to the challenge of UAV Autonomous navigation.

This whole robot setup is part of a year long research project on UAV and UGV platforms under Dr. D.K. Kothari, HOD, EC Department, Nirma University. The UGV setup is planned to be a precursor to the UAV setup as we wanted to get on 'hands' with ROS framework. Getting our hands directly on a UAV can be a daunting task, and UGV was commissioned to fulfil that exact need.  The UGV is working perfectly. But if you want to know as to why exactly it is named so, you'll need to wait.

This is going to be a tutorial cum documentation posts for the Clerkbot. In the coming videos and posts I would be dealing with all the details of the robot.  I would also soon establish an open source platform for the same setup so that others can benefit from the same.

Here's the Initial tests video of the UGV:

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ROS Autonomous Navigation Bot - [Clerkbot] - Initial Tests

Finally it took me three months to fully come up with this robot and just a fun fact, it took me a month to just tune the ocean of paramet...